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The Statement of Business Ethics is a statement of how Council conducts business and outlines how Council prefers to conduct business with people and organisations who share our commitment. Through the Statement of Business Ethics Council aims to promote integrity, ethical conduct and accountability through its operations to maintain trust, engagement and responsiveness to our community.
A Statement of Business Ethics for Snowy Valleys Council was adopted In November 2017. This is a review of that document.
There have been substantial changes made to the 2017 document, predominantly removing sections that are now included in other Council Policies, Procedures or Codes such as the Procurement Policy, Respectful Behaviour Policy, Code of Conduct, etc. For ease of reading, inclusions have been identified in red and deletions struck out.
We invite you to have your say on the Draft Statement of Business Ethics using the feedback form below.
Submissions close at 5 pm on Wednesday, 2 April 2025
Important information regarding your submission
Written submissions may be attached to the public report that is submitted to Council unless you explicitly request you do not wish this to occur. They are subject to the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act (PIPPA).
The Statement of Business Ethics is a statement of how Council conducts business and outlines how Council prefers to conduct business with people and organisations who share our commitment. Through the Statement of Business Ethics Council aims to promote integrity, ethical conduct and accountability through its operations to maintain trust, engagement and responsiveness to our community.
A Statement of Business Ethics for Snowy Valleys Council was adopted In November 2017. This is a review of that document.
There have been substantial changes made to the 2017 document, predominantly removing sections that are now included in other Council Policies, Procedures or Codes such as the Procurement Policy, Respectful Behaviour Policy, Code of Conduct, etc. For ease of reading, inclusions have been identified in red and deletions struck out.
We invite you to have your say on the Draft Statement of Business Ethics using the feedback form below.
Submissions close at 5 pm on Wednesday, 2 April 2025
Important information regarding your submission
Written submissions may be attached to the public report that is submitted to Council unless you explicitly request you do not wish this to occur. They are subject to the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act (PIPPA).
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